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发表于 2011-12-11 12:16:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Dear Resellers -

We have a large demand for low end servers which are typically sold out quickly with our Atom 330 / Atom D510 and AMD 3800XP/4000XP plans. With hard drive prices escalating in prices we have come out with 2 options we believe will work best for your customers.

Option 1 - Cloud Atom
VMware Cloud Server with full Web KVM console managed at https://vcloud.krypt.com with pooled resource specs:

Mem: 2GB
HDD: 160GB
BW: 1500GB
Price: $79.95 before discount

Gold and Platinum resellers will still be able to use their bandwidth upgrade plans for these servers. The #1 selling point for virtualization that you should make to your customer is that there is no reliance on physical hardware. Cloud Servers can grow and scale up or even down based on your compute requirements. There is also zero to minimal downtime in upgrading certain resources. Physical hard drives can and eventually will break down and are prone to data corruption whereas the Cloud Servers use SAN based storage so the data is spread out over multiple drives.

Option 2 - Small Spec Atom D525

CPU: Atom D525
Mem: 2GB
BW: 1500GB
Price: $84.95 before discount

Due to recent flooding in Thailand, hard drive prices have increased. In order to keep costs down we're offering this new Atom D525 plan with 80GB hard disks. Resellers will need to pay for the upgrade from an Atom 330 if it is not in stock because the reseller did not check https://my.krypt.com. We ask that all resellers monitor inventory through https://my.krypt.com to ensure what you are selling is in fact in stock.

Remember when ordering servers we give the following priority:

1. Rapid Deploy
2. Orders from www.Krypt.com or my.krypt.com
3. Orders placed through tickets


客户对于我们的低端服务器经常有大量的需求,这些服务器方案诸如Atom 330 / Atom D510 和 AMD 3800XP/4000XP经常迅速售罄。由于硬盘价格的上涨,我们最近为客户提供了2种新的最佳方案选择。
方案1-Cloud Atom
拥有完全Web KVM控制台的VMware云服务器,https://vcloud.krypt.com,汇集了各种不同规格配置。
内存: 2GB
HDD: 160GB
带宽: 1500GB
价格: $79.95 (折扣前)

方案2-小规格Atom D525
CPU: Atom D525
内存: 2GB
带宽: 1500GB
价格: $84.95(折扣前)
由于今日在泰国肆虐的洪水,导致了硬盘价格的上涨。为了将价格降到很低,我们最新推出了包含80GB硬盘的Atom D525方案。如果Atom 330已售罄而经销商不及时查看https://my.krypt.com 且仍然订购Atom 330的话那么经销商将支付此升级费用。我们希望所有的经销商及时通过https://my.krypt.com查看库存来确保您转售的服务器是有库存的。

1. Rapid Deploy(快速部署)
2. 通过 www.Krypt.com 或 my.krypt.com提交的订单
3. 通过支持票提交的订单

Thank You,
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