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发表于 2021-12-4 23:03:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-8 17:56:42 | 显示全部楼层
atomkk 发表于 2021-12-6 17:16

Thank you for your inquiry. With respect to the bandwidth please allow us to inform you in detail:

The Internet access to our data centers is 100 percent redundant and multi-homed via 780 Gbit/s in total (e.g. Telia Carrier, Lumen, DE-CIX, AMS-IX, Cogent, Hurricane Electric, M-Net, Versatel, Colt). We have implemented several mechanisms and monitoring systems in order to guarantee the best networking possible for our customers. A team of highly skilled technicians is permanently working on solutions to enforce network improvements while we also strive toward the increase of bandwidth capacities and development of business relations to reliable Internet carriers. The traffic is unlimited, so you do not need to care about how much traffic you use every month. We do not oversubscribe our bandwidth capacities unlike many other providers. Thus, generally the full port speed is provided to you at any time.

Depending on the particular model, our VPS and Virtual Dedicated Servers come with different ports ranging from 100 Mbit/s up to 1 Gbit/s. Most of our Dedicated Servers have a 100 Mbit/s port, while some exceptional, high-end servers even provide a 1 Gbit/s port by default. All of our Dedicated Servers can be upgraded to a Gbit/s connection which provides the opportunity to transfer data quickly with up to 1,000 Mbit/s. As a high-end solution, only our Dedicated Servers Dual 10-Core and AMD EPYC can be equipped with a 10 Gbit/s port. This allows for a temporary maximum of transfer rates.

Only for our Virtual Dedicated Servers and Dedicated Servers we can offer you Unrestricted Data Transfer with higher bandwidth values at extremely affordable prices. Unrestricted Data Transfer guarantees a fixed value of bandwidth which is available at all times, of course, with unlimited traffic. If you require constantly high bandwidth values which exceed 100 Mbit/s, we recommend our Unrestricted Data Transfer Add-Ons to you.

However, there can be some isolated and temporary limits at different points in the Internet routing - outside of our sphere of influence - owing to the continuously changing and developing structure of the Internet. Your local Internet access provider might be the initiator for bandwidth problems in your area, too.

It might be possible to achieve a significant improvement by adjusting various settings. In order to do so, we require some information, and we therefore would appreciate it very much if you could respond to the following questions:

* What kind of traffic is your server handling at the moment?
* Did you change the settings of the network card?
* Can you send us an overview of the services employed on your server and the corresponding network ports?
* Finally, can you send us a traceroute protocol to your server?

This information will enable us to analyze the issue thoroughly.

Looking forward to reading your feedback!

If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.


我们的数据中心的互联网接入是100%冗余的,并且通过780Gbit/s的多中心接入(如Telia Carrier、Lumen、DE-CIX、AMS-IX、Cogent、Hurricane Electric、M-Net、Versatel、Colt)。我们已经实施了一些机制和监测系统,以保证为我们的客户提供最好的网络。一支由高技能技术人员组成的团队长期致力于解决网络改进问题,同时我们还努力提高带宽能力,并与可靠的互联网运营商发展业务关系。流量是无限的,所以你不需要关心你每个月使用多少流量。我们不会像许多其他供应商那样超额订购我们的带宽容量。因此,一般来说,在任何时候都会向您提供完整的端口速度。

根据特定的模型,我们的VPS和虚拟专用服务器有不同的端口,从100 Mbit/s到1 Gbit/s。我们大多数的专用服务器都有一个100 Mbit/s的端口,而一些特殊的高端服务器甚至默认提供1 Gbit/s的端口。我们所有的专用服务器都可以升级到Gbit/s连接,这为快速传输数据提供了机会,速度高达1,000 Mbit/s。作为一个高端解决方案,只有我们的专用服务器双10核和AMD EPYC可以配备一个10 Gbit/s端口。这允许传输速率暂时达到最高。

只有我们的虚拟专用服务器和专用服务器,我们可以以极其实惠的价格为您提供具有更高带宽值的无限制数据传输。无限制数据传输保证了一个固定的带宽值,当然是在任何时候都可以使用的,而且是无限流量。如果你需要持续的高带宽值,超过100 Mbit/s,我们向你推荐我们的无限制数据传输附加功能。



* 你的服务器目前正在处理什么样的流量?
* 你是否改变了网卡的设置?
* 你能给我们发一份你的服务器上使用的服务和相应的网络端口的概述吗?




If you require constantly high bandwidth values which exceed 100 Mbit/s, we recommend our Unrestricted Data Transfer Add-Ons to you.
 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-4 23:14:22 | 显示全部楼层
In Contabo we will never charge you extra for your traffic. The traffic package is already included in your server. Generally the full port speed is provided to you anytime. In case your server has an uplink faster than 100 Mbit/s and the average traffic consumption continuously exceeds 100 Mbit/s over a timespan of at least 10 days the connection is switched to 100 Mbit/s to make sure you will stay within your traffic package and will not incur any fees.

在 Contabo,我们绝不会为您的流量收取额外费用。流量包已包含在您的服务器中。通常,全端口速度随时提供给您。如果您的服务器的上行链路速度超过 100 Mbit/s 并且平均流量消耗在至少 10 天的时间跨度内持续超过 100 Mbit/s,则连接切换到 100 Mbit/s 以确保您保持在流量范围内包,不会产生任何费用。

发表于 2021-12-4 23:19:56 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-4 23:25:29 | 显示全部楼层
好鸭 发表于 2021-12-4 23:19

发表于 2021-12-6 10:00:27 | 显示全部楼层
空灵心梦 发表于 2021-12-4 23:25

 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-6 16:17:43 | 显示全部楼层
atomkk 发表于 2021-12-6 10:00

发表于 2021-12-6 17:16:08 | 显示全部楼层
空灵心梦 发表于 2021-12-6 16:17

发表于 2021-12-9 10:11:47 | 显示全部楼层
空灵心梦 发表于 2021-12-8 17:56

If you require constantly high bandwidth values which exceed 100 Mbit/s, we recommend  ...

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